I always feel like its Christmas time when I get parts in the mail. So I got the power supply, the extruder, the stepper controller, drivers, and a bunch of other stuff that I may or may not need. I’ll post more pics and comments as I start to put it together, here’s some pics of what I got.
Tag Archives: reprap
3d printer parts are in!
Posted by superfro
on April 12, 2013
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Building a 3D Printer
Posted by superfro
on March 18, 2013
I’ve been thinking of putting one together recently. I have a Makerbot I can use at my hackerspace. But I’d like to have one at the house. So shopping around I decided to go with the Ord Bot platform, Automation Technologies sells a good kit for the base platform but it’s missing some things like the extruder/electronics/bed. I ordered that. Just got my shipping notice.